Becoming a Santamakers Member is easy & it's free.
First you will need to join the Santamakers Forum.
When you click on the Join button below you will be taken to a verification page
where you will instructed to click on a picture to be taken to the registration page.
This is a security feature to prevent "spam robots" from being able to
automatically sign up to the forum using our registration page and spamming our forum with unwanted posts.
If you are new to Santamakers & are not a member
of Santamakers MSN or Yahoo groups prior to 1/1/09 you may request to be added as a Guild Member
as soon as you contribute 10 posts to the forum. (This can be accomplished
easily by posting an introduction in the Meet & Greet section or by posting
photos of your work).
Attention: Santamaker members already registered to
the Santamakers MSN & Yahoo
Groups prior to 1/1/09: You are already considered a Guild Member! Once you join
the Forum, please click on
GROUPS & request to be added to the Guild Group.
(Remember, you must register to the forum first) Please provide your MSN or Yahoo
username if possible.
Donations are always appreciated to
help maintain the site, but it is not required. Besides, there are MANY
ways to contribute to the Santamakers Guild that doesn't cost much more than
your time.
Read how... |