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Chat Guest

Who will be the next Claus Clatter chat guest?

We are always on the lookout for special guests for our chats. If you or someone you know has something to share with us and would be interested in becoming a special guest please contact us!

We welcome past guests to come back and chat with us again!


 Claus Clatter's
Past Chat Guest

Jack Johnston
Original Art Dolls 

Christmas arrived early with a very special gift for Santamaker Members!
Our very first and special "guest chat" was with Doll Artist Jack Johnston on Tuesday, November 5, 2002. I couldn't possibly think of a better way to kick off the very beginning of the Santamaker's scheduled chats!

The Managers of the Santamaker's Community would like to thank all of you that attended the chat with Jack Johnston. Thanks to everyone, the chat ran smoothly, was fun, informative and a great success! Seems like we all walked away learning something!

For members who could not attend the chat, you can still view the
Chat Transcripts

A very special thank you to Jack Johnston for taking time out of his busy schedule, to answer all the questions that were posed to him!

"In only ten years, Jack Johnston, professional marketer turned dollmaker,  rose from an unknown to one of the industries'  brightest stars, astonishing doll artists and collectors worldwide with his nearly instantaneous success. His talent and artistic ability transcend every aspect of dollmaking. Jack also possesses the unique ability to pass on to others completely and successfully that which he has mastered."  According to Doll Crafter and Contemporary Doll Collector magazines... Jack Johnston is one of the nation's leading instructors in sculpting one-of-a-kind artdolls. He offers sculpting seminars each week at different locations around the nation. During these three day seminars students complete one-of-a-kind dolls, plus receive the knowledge of how to make their own original artdolls.

Due out in Feb. 2003: "Artdolls - Basic Sculpting and Beyond"  Jack's new 144 page book will cover basic sculpting through advanced and on to marketing. The techniques shown within this book are the latest in one-of-a-kind polymer sculpting. Three hundred photographs and illustrations show the student artist how to sculpt, paint, dress, accessorize, display and market an artdoll.

To find out more about Jack Johnston's art dolls, books, videos and seminars, please visit his web site at

Chat Times: Dates and times for chats will be announced on the message board along with any special information on guests and topics. They will also always be posted on the calendar along with the times for all US time zones (Our regular weekly chats will not always be posted). World time zones are available at for any of our members from around the world.



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